Humans of CHS: most memorable field trip

As a play on the popular blogspot ‘Humans of New York,’ the school’s newspaper decided to profile the humans of CHS.  Staff writers continuously roam the halls of the school to find different perspectives on life within the student body.

Will you be featured as the next ‘Human of CHS?’


Caroline Meyer, 12

Senior Caroline Meyer discuses her experience on a fieldtrip to Jamestown, Virginia.

Q: What was the most fun/memorable field trip you have ever attended?  Why?


A: In the fourth grade I visited Jamestown, Virginia. It was the most memorable field trip for me because we got to interact with the colonists of Jamestown and they showed us the history about the town. We learned how they used to live, cook, sleep and survive on an everyday basis. Since then, I have not been on another field trip that was as grand as Jamestown.






Solomon Stanqui, 12                                                           

Senior Solomon Stanqui remembers falling overboard on a field trip.

Q: What was the most fun/memorable fieldtrip you ever attended? Why?


A: In the seventh grade I went on a trip to the Chesapeake Bay.  We were on a boat and I fell overboard. I don’t know how to swim.  So, I almost died.  It wasn’t fun, but it was definitely memorable.