Parker and Pace win future teacher award

SENIORS JESSIE-KATE Parker and Lexi Pace pose with Dr. Riesbeck and teachers Kyle Goodson, Deb Erskine, and Kim Peterson.
Hayley Needham
SENIORS JESSIE-KATE Parker and Lexi Pace pose with Dr. Riesbeck and teachers Kyle Goodson, Deb Erskine, and Kim Peterson.

Seniors Alexis Pace and Jessie-Kate Parker were chosen as this year’s recipients of the Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow (VTfT) Future Teacher Award, which guarantees its winners a contracted teaching position with Virginia Beach City Public Schools (VBCPS) upon completion of a related educational program.

VBCPS offers the Future Teacher Award to students based on their academic performance, community service, and their overall performance in the VTfT aspiring teacher class.