Wingspan literary magazine inspires student creativity

At the end of each school year, the Wingspan Literary Magazine  showcases some of CHS’s most creative student work. The publication contains students’ creative writing, visual arts, poetry, and other multimedia forms of creative expression; the literary magazine that encourages students to think outside the box and explore creative writing for personal growth.

Historically, Wingspan was printed and released in June, which limited the publication to a certain number of pages and entries. Over the past two years, Wingspan sponsors Mrs. McGovern and Mrs. Devlin, have created and managed a fully online platform. And, as both advisers and students are more accustomed to this new platform the magazine continues to expand.

Next year’s plans are to update the website monthly and to collaborate with other publications in the school to generate more overall interest.

“Our goals for the 2019-2020 school year are to increase staff size and feature a wider range of student and staff art, writing, photography, blog, and videography elements,” Devlin said.

Any students interested in joining Wingspan next year can see Mrs. McGovern in room 212 or Mrs. Devlin in room 208 for more information.

 Wingspan link: