Free technology tools for students


GREAT NECK PUBLIC Librarians demonstrate free technology tools for students.

Great Neck Public Library representatives Sarah Poole and Harlisa Denson visited the school on Monday, March 31 to demonstrate free technological resources available to students.

Poole and Denson came to College Bound Reading teacher Bekki Keener’s classroom to show students a few of the resources made available including E-books, Learning Express, Mango Languages, Freegal, and Zinio.

All resources can be accessed via computer, tablet, iPad, smart phone to assist students with homework, college and career searching, language translation and even things such as free music and magazines.

“Now I can check out magazines and books online for free without having to actually go to the library.  This benefits me because it is easy, convenient, and eliminates the charge of late fees,” junior Brooklyn Everman said.