Bird Scooters – Travel Made Easy or Dangerous?

There’s a hot new trend on the rise and it’s not only for teenagers, as there are many adults that are just as intrigued. “Going to ride a Bird”, “those Birds are so cool”, or “let’s take Birds” is the popular lingo around town.

So the question seems to be, what exactly is a “Bird”?

According to,  “Bird” is a type of scooter that many are finding to be their new form of transportation.The actual Bird scooters base is in Santa Monica, California, but the idea and the product have traveled across the country to Virginia Beach and beyond. The idea behind the scooter is that it can be an easier way to navigate through crowds of people on sidewalks, college campuses, or as many say just to simply “travel light”.  The scooters weigh approximately 25 lbs, can go up to 15 mph and can travel approximately 15 miles before it needs to be recharged.

“The bird scooters are the new bikes, they are easy to access and even easier to ride! I would recommend for someone who’s always on the go,”senior John Nicoll said.

As of late April, it ‘s becoming more common to see “Bird scooters” sitting unattended on the sides of roads, in front of businesses, and just about anywhere at the Oceanfront. While 18-year-olds and up can jump on one of these beauties anytime and cruise around, these ” Bird Scooters” are causing controversy around town as many people view them as dangerous.

Renting a bird is very user-friendly. The cost is one dollar to start it up and twenty cents per minute.  Tourists can use them to see the boardwalk, employees can use them to drive to work and many just use them to cruise around for fun. While the Bird was a successful new investment, it can be dangerous, which is the controversy that is becoming the forefront of many conversations.

“Riding a bird is like flying, the process is easy and affordable. It’s an awesome way to tour Virginia Beach,” senior Taylor Trafton said.

While many believe and support  Nicoll and Trafton, there is still a percentage of others who are not embracing this new trend. These people believe that the dangerous aspects outweigh the concept for easy travel. Injuries seem to be the number one dangerous factor that rests on the forefront.

There have been numerous concussions, broken bones and more serious injuries resulting from being hit by vehicles or even malfunctions in the scooters themselves. Not to mention that individuals under the age of eighteen are hopping on these Birds to see what the new trend is all about. Finally, individuals can request for a free helmet, only paying the shipping, when signing up for a Bird, yet those wearing helmets when on the Bird scooter has been found to be less than none.

Regardless of the danger, it doesn’t seem to be enough to make the “Birds” extinct.