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  • March 26Tuesday, April 1, marks April Fool's Day.
  • March 24Spring Break will be the week of Monday, April 14- Friday, April 18.
  • March 24Falcon Track heads to first competition at Salem High School on Wed., April 2.
  • March 2Good luck to all spring sports athletes as they enter their season.
  • March 2Congratulations to Falcon wrestlers for back to back state championships.
  • February 21Key Club's Annual Blood Drive will be held on Friday, March 14.
  • September 1All students will attend conduct assemblies on Thursday, Sept. 5, throughout the morning.
  • September 1Open House for parents, teachers and students will be Wed, Sept. 4, at 5 p.m.
  • August 19No school for students, faculty, or staff on Monday, Sept. 2, in observance of Labor Day.
  • August 19Good luck to all fall athletes as they move into their seasons.
The student news site of Frank W. Cox High School

Falcon Press News

The student news site of Frank W. Cox High School

Falcon Press News

The student news site of Frank W. Cox High School

Falcon Press News

Seimi Park

Seimi Park, Editor-in-Chief

Senior & Journalism II Student.

Seimi plays on the school’s tennis team and loves photography.

All content by Seimi Park
PUBLISHED AUTHOR VINCENT Sachar recently visited the  school to inspire students to write creatively.

National library week

Seimi Park, Editor-in-Chief
April 12, 2016
FALCON PRESS SHARES our top tips on saving money for college.

Saving money for college

Seimi Park, Editor-in-Chief
March 20, 2016
MU ALPHA THETA holds its 4th annual pi day celebration.

[Photo] Hungry for pi

Regan Keen, Media Editor
March 8, 2016
DELEGATES CATALINA PEREZ, Seimi Park, and Nyia Chusan represented Namibia in the 39th annual ODUMUNC.

Falcons serve as global leaders

Seimi Park, Editor-in-Chief
February 16, 2016
FALCON PRESS PRESENTS an infographic describing healthy and effective study habits for achieving good grades in high school.

Success in school

Seimi Park, Editor-in-Chief
January 12, 2016
FASHION MARKETING STUDENTS all ready to go on stage.

Behind the scenes: prom fashion show

Seimi Park, Editor-in-Chief
December 21, 2015
SENIOR SEIMI PARK and Ocean Lakes senior Max Colombo served as counselors for the Candy Crush council.

Level up for leadership

Seimi Park, Editor-in-Chief
November 13, 2015
SANTA AND THE Grinch face off in a heated wresting match during the pep rally.

[Video] Santa takes on Grinch

Catalina Perez, Editor-in-Chief
December 11, 2015
MR. GIRARD AND Zinnia Lin greet students at the Falcon Credit Union.

[Photo] Falcon Credit Union gives back

Taylor Koontz, Social Media Editor
December 9, 2015
FALCON HARMONY PERFORMS at Busch Gardens during Christmas Town to spread holiday joy.

Falcon Harmony spreads cheer

Seimi Park, Editor-in-Chief
December 7, 2015
Mr. GIRARD, MR. Rudolph, and other Cox teacher are recognized at the World Quest diner.

Taking on the world

Seimi Park, Editor-in-Chief
December 1, 2015
FALCON FOOTBALL TEAM puts up a fight against rivals Baside.

[Photo] Homecoming football takes off

Hope Weaver, Opinion Writer
October 30, 2015
MARCHING FALCONS TAKE the field at halftime.

[Photo] Falcons march to victory

Ian Lichacz, Staff Writer
October 26, 2015
THE MARCHING FALCONS took the field at halftime during the Cox - Kellam football game.

[Photo] Marching to a different beat

Seimi Park, Editor-in-Chief
September 28, 2015
Falcons take flight

Falcons take flight

Seimi Park, Editor-in-Chief
September 22, 2015
GREEN, GREEN GRASS is cut on the soccer field.

[Photo] Students celebrate Earth Day

Wyatt Young, Multimedia Editor
April 22, 2015
THE GYMNASTICS TEAM competes against Bayside, First Colonial, Landstown, Ocean Lakes.

A solid 10 for dedication

Seimi Park, Staff Writer
March 11, 2015
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