CHS prepared upcoming International Theatre Honors Society students for their induction day on Tuesday, May 21, after they completed a tradition known as “Plebe Day”, which took place on Saturday, May 11.
The annual event in one in which already existing thespians, or Theatre Honors Society members, help ease incoming thespians into the honor society. As the day begins, plebe students convene in the auditorium and are sent on scavenger hunts throughout the school building to find their “plebe parents,” rather thespians from previous years and mentors for these new inductees.
“Plebe Day” is a day full of fun games to celebrate becoming a thespian and figure out your plebe family,” senior Thespian Billy Westra said.
Once the incoming inductees search high and low to find their mentors, the students are adorned with pre-designed sashes that display the CHS Thespian troupe number, “Plebe 1424,” along with any other design of their choosing that is represents them.
At the conclusion of “Plebe Day”, upcoming thespians and soon to be new inductees spend time using their limitless imaginations to create projects that explain what the International Thespian Society motto, Alexander Pope’s quote, “Act well your part; there all the honor lies”, means to them personally. These projects not only inspire creativity, but become a sentimental token that each “plebe” will carry with them through the years.
According to sophomore and future inductee Alana Tanielu, it was a fun experience and definitely prepared the inductees for induction day.