Junior Ring Dance fundraiser, painting ceiling tiles for teachers

The Junior Executive Board put together a fundraiser this month to raise money for the Class of 2023, but instead of the standard cash-o-la, decided to give the opportunity a more clever and artsy feel.  For $15 and with permission from the teacher, any student can paint a ceiling tile to display in one of their classrooms.

Students from all grade levels were eager to showcase their talents, and the results were extraordinary. The colorful designs and patterns not only add a beacon of light to the school but also raise money for the junior class.

“Leaving something behind is something really important to so many teachers. It shows that you had an impact on the people around you and formed meaningful connections that will hopefully last beyond high school. That’s why painting a ceiling tile was so important, it’s a little bit of a legacy we all get to leave behind,” senior Abby Spear said.

So, it seems the junior class executive board hit the mark when they thought outside of the box and went beyond the ordinary. And this particular choice of raising funds is undoubtedly interesting and intriguing to all the Falcon students who have chosen to participate. 

“I think it is great that the students have the opportunity to do something so unique and creative to help support the junior class,” Class of 2023 sponsor Ms. Bennis said.

All in all, the ‘Paint the Ceiling Tiles’ Class of 2023 fundraiser was a “thumb’s up” success. Now, the school has more of a significant sparkle in every classroom that will affect students for years to come.