Halloween: expectations versus realities

For most kids, Halloween is one of the most anticipated “holidays” of the year. From shopping for the perfect costume, to cuddling up to watch a favorite scary movie, Halloween has the potential to make childhood dreams come true. Although it seems that holidays, Halloween in particular, can never go wrong, there may be some unexpected tricks and/or treats waiting just around the corner.


Expectations #1: The Perfect Costume for a Halloween Party

Reality #1: Nothing fits and it’s necessary to improvise.


Expectations #2: Bake the perfect treat found earlier in the day on Pinterest  

Reality #2: After several attempts to bake at home, experience epic baking fails.


Expectations #3: Carve the best pumpkin; perfect to fit on any doorstep.

Reality #3: The idea doesn’t extend well to the pumpkin or come out as planned…


Expectations #4: While trick-or treating, there’s always that one house with all the best candy.

Reality #4: Late arrival to the house with the best candy and it’s all gone.


Expectations #5: Haunted Houses cause chills and thrills that are scary throughout the fall season.

Reality #5: Haunted Houses this year were lame and not spooky enough.