Humans of CHS: scariest moments

As a play on the popular blogspot ‘Humans of New York,’ the school’s newspaper decided to profile the humans of CHS.  Staff writers continuously roam the halls of the school to find different perspectives on life within the student body.

Will you be featured as the next ‘Human of CHS?’

JUNIOR JACK COLGAN shares his experiences in the rip curl.

Jack Colgan, 11


Q: What has been the scariest moment of your life?

A:  “I was body surfing one summer and while I was riding a wave, the rip curl knocked me down into the water and I faced planted into the sand.”







Nicole Michals, 11

Q: What has been the scariest moment of your life?

JUINOR NICOLE MICHALS experienced her scariest moments on the highway.

A: “When I drove on the highway for the first time.”