Humans of CHS: craziest classroom experience

As a play on the popular blogspot ‘Humans of New York,’ the school’s newspaper decided to profile the humans of CHS.  Staff writers continuously roam the halls of the school to find different perspectives on life within the student body.

Will you be featured as the next ‘Human of CHS?’

SENIOR CALEB PAUL recalls his craziest classroom memory.
SENIOR CALEB PAUL recalls his craziest classroom memory.


Caleb Paul, 10

Q: What was your craziest in class experience? Why?

A: Last year I was in English class when I brought popcorn, candy and soda. The candy was the only normal thing. The soda decided to burst out of nowhere while I was drinking it and went everywhere! As for the popcorn, everyone kept begging and stealing it. I’ll never forget that day!





Daja Nicole, 12

Q: What was your craziest in class experience? Why?

SENIOR DAJA NICOLE discusses her craziest classroom experience.
SENIOR DAJA NICOLE discusses her craziest classroom experience.

A: When Mrs. Turpin made us paint our desks green on the Saturday day because I have never been asked by a teacher to paint furniture.