‘Virtual Learning’ days, effective or enabling
Students and teachers share feedback.
Virtual Learning days are educational opportunities in which students, instead of coming to school for a make-up day, complete online assignments at home through Schoology. Each teacher is required to assign ninety minutes worth of work, as if students were present for an actual ninety minute class.
Due to Hurricane Florence, Virginia Beach City Public Schools (VBCPS) students had to take several days off. In order to make up one of these these lost days, VBCPS implemented Virtual Learning days that were already built into the schedule last year. On Monday, Oct. 8, VBCPS held their first Virtual Learning day as an A-day. The next Virtual Learning day will be on Tuesday, Nov. 6, as a B day.
As we approach Virtual Learning day #2, it is still debatable as to whether or not this method is effective.
Q: Do you think a virtual learning day is better than a make up day?
A: “ Yeah, I do think it’s better than a make up day cause you can get assignments done on your own time, while also being able to do stuff for yourself throughout the day,” junior Zoe Hines said.
Q: Did you have trouble getting onto the Schoology website to submit assignments?
A: “ I had a little bit of trouble because it’s Schoology and it’s a new website. Last year, we always used Google Classroom and this year we use Schoology which is a little bit more complicated,” freshman William Bonde said.
Q: Do you think the virtual learning days work efficiently?
A: “ I think the Virtual Learning day has potential to work., but I think the assignment should be due the same day as the virtual learning day to ensure that the students are doing it that day. It’s what you guys do in college and it’s important to prepare students now. We just need to practice more,” Business teacher Mrs. Bellissimo said.
Q: Would you prefer to complete more of this type of learning throughout the year?
A: “Yes, because I have more opportunities to sleep in and its less work,” sophomore Hayden Miller said.
So, the jury is still out. Should students still have 10 additional days to complete assignments when generally they aren’t given that much extra time in a classroom setting? Is this truly making students accountable for their own learning while also teaching them to meet deadlines and become responsible citizens?