New parking, new safety procedures
In effort to increase school safety, Virginia Beach City Public Schools (VBCPS) along with our school’s administration have enforced a new system for school safety that also implements a new parking pattern for students and staff.
And, in order to develop a more streamlined entryway for students, who now enter through the front two doors at the main entrance, administration was tasked with developing a new parking pattern that would enable this to happen safely and efficiently.
Prior to the change, seniors parked in the lot behind the school and faculty parked in the front. Now, however, faculty occupies the lot behind the school and seniors must park in front of the school or along the side facing Great Neck Rd.
Students and teachers were questioned about the new changes.
Q: How have the new safety implications affected your route to school in the morning?
A: “It made it a lot busier and more traffic,” junior Taylor Trafton said.
Q: Do you think these guidelines are improving school safety?
A: “I do. I think having all of the kids enter through the front doors where security is a big improvement for our school safety, not having seniors or other kids coming through the back doors is going to make a world of difference,” World History teacher Mr. Hahn said.
Q: What are your thought on this new parking situation?
A: “I think it’s working out well. It’s a good safety thing, so all the students are coming in the front doors. It’s a little different, but we can get used to it pretty quickly and it works out pretty well,” science teacher Mr. Videll said.