Seeking journalists: recruiting greatness
If students don’t know what elective to take next year, a great choice is Journalism.
Falcon Press has been awarded a first place distinction in the Virginia High School League (VHSL) online news competition for five years in a row and recently received a first place gold medal from the nationally recognized Colombian Scholastic Press Association for last year’s entry.
Journalism is loads of fun and helps students become more creative, motivational, inspirational, helps them write and find their passion. Overall, it get members involved not only in the school, but in the community.
Now in her seventh year, Journalism I, II, and III teacher Erin Tonelson has watched the paper evolve from a printed paper to a fully online publication complete with social media platforms on Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Pinterest, and Twitter.
“Journalism opens so many doors for the future to students whether through writing, photography, social media, public relations, advertising, etc. I never thought the class could impact so many different students in so many ways, ” Tonelson said. “I’m proud of all of the accomplishments we’ve made together over the years and am hopeful for the future.”

Senior, Journalism III
Editor-In-Chief, Opinion Editor
Hope likes to read and write in her spare time.

Senior, Journalism II
Multimedia Editor
Michael loves to film and make videos.

Senior, Journalism II
Editor-In-Chief, Multimedia Editor
Seyler is a self-taught photographer.