Operation smile hunger games event

Smiles for smiles, that’s the idea; whether that smile is a passing smile to someone on the street, or spending time with someone you care about. However, Operation Smile takes that idea to a different level, providing great activities for everyone to enjoy, and raising money so that a child will be able to smile too.

The Operation Smile Organization, which raises money for oral surgeries for underprivileged kids around the world, held an event at the local theatre Beach Movie Bistro November 23rd. The theatre was selling Operation Smile fundraising tickets to see the then just-released Hunger Games: Catching Fire.

Operation Smile offered a movie package deal, which, for $12.50, would buy a small-size popcorn, a drink, and a special prize. People took advantage of the deal, as it was considerably cheaper than regular prices. The reception at the event was very good, with about 3 theatres filled with people for the event.

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The event was a fundraiser that invited both the school and First Colonial High School to a contest: who could fill their theatre first. Cox won the contest, filling considerably more than their quota of one theatre.

“Cox had won the contest… I think they almost filled 2 theatres, but couldn’t quite do it,” said Cindy Forbes, the Operation Smile advocate for the school.

Before the movie started, each school showed their trailers for their spoofs of the original Hunger Games movie. The theatre was bursting out with laughter at the silly humor portrayed in the trailers.

“They had done a nice job with it…” Forbes said. “The video was very tastefully done.”