VBCPS gains two future teachers

SENIOR BROOKE MOORE stands excitedly between her parents after receiving the coveted VTfT teaching award.
SENIOR BROOKE MOORE stands excitedly between her parents after receiving the coveted VTfT teaching award.

Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow (VTft) is a program that allows students to intern as teachers part-time in their curriculum, preparing them for careers in education.

At the end of each school year, Virginia Beach City Public Schools (VBCPS) awards two VTfT students per school program contracts that guarantee them a teaching job with  VBCPS after they graduate from college.

According to VTfT teacher Jen Nardelli, the two students chosen this year both excelled in their internships and stood out among peers due to their outstanding work.

Seniors Brooke Moore and Emily Staskin are this year’s recipients of this prestigious award and both have guaranteed teaching contracts in Virginia Beach after they finish their undergraduate studies.

“I’m so thankful for all of the opportunities this program has given me and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for me!” Staskin said.