VTfT inspires with positivity challenge

Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow (VTFT) teacher Mrs. Nardelli recently recruited teachers and students to participate in a “Positivity Challenge.”

VTfT classes from the school and Bayside High School encouraged teachers in their schools to participate in the project, as well as those of their feeder schools.

According to Nardelli, the purpose of the challenge was for teachers to find a student who inspires and motivates them to come to work every day.

At John B. Dey Elementary alone, 39 teachers recognized exceptional students. VTfT students were on hand to photograph four of the presentations and learn from the experience.

Senior VTfT student Heather Gonzales participated in the challenge and noticed how important it was not only to the teachers but to the students they chose to honor.

“The challenge also served as a learning opportunity for her and other aspiring teachers as it showed the value of recognizing deserving students,” Gonzales said. “You see the dedication from our own teachers when they do this, you see it in their eyes when they are telling their students, ‘I’m so proud of you.'”