“At Cox, I’m involved in a few fun activities outside of class. I play Varsity Lacrosse, which helps me stay active and work as a team. I also am in the Book Club, where we read and discuss different books with friends during lunch. Additionally, I participate in Beach Buddies, a program where I help special needs students and make new friends. Involvement in activities like Varsity Lacrosse, Book Club, and Beach Buddies has profoundly impacted me. Playing Lacrosse has taught me teamwork and camaraderie with my teammates, while the Book Club has enhanced my friendships through engaging discussions about what we read. Beach Buddies has impacted my life by teaching me empathy and patience as I work with special needs students, helping me build meaningful connections and grow as an individual. Overall, these experiences have strengthened my relationships at school and contributed significantly to my personal development.
In regard to my future plans, I am committed to Bridgewater College, where I will play lacrosse and study engineering and cybersecurity. My overall goal is to work in cyber security.”
~ senior Connor Warren