Weekly Vodcast: A.K.A. “BOYS ON THE COUCH” now welcomes Girls on the Couch, seniors Grace Lindauer and Erma Bailey.
Welcome to the Falcon Vodcast 3.0. To return to higher quality reporting, we are upping the ante by adding some female insight, while keeping up weekly school updates via vodcast.
Students will work directly with the daily broadcast announcements at the beginning of Block 3. The group continues to create original and authentic content that, hopefully, provides students with insight into events around the school.
Seniors Max Palmerton and Blake Heselius continue to discuss their take on all topics related to the “Nest”, and ‘tie up loose ends’ in regard to school events, as well as advertise the latest updates. Last year the boys welcomed Lindauer and Bailey into the mix as they added a different component while providing vital information for students.
Tune into the vodcast to receive updates on around the school.
Included in this week’s vodcast is information regarding the start of spring sports, college decisions, and upcoming snow days.