The Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters (CHKD) sponsored it’s 3rd annual Cupcake Festival, entitled Princesses and Heroes, is committed to supporting the invaluable efforts of CHKD. The festival is powered by dedicated volunteers, ensuring that proceeds remain steadfastly devoted to the cause. Join us in our delightful celebration, where every cupcake enjoyed helps make a difference in the lives of children, according to
WHO: Leaders, staff members, vendors, volunteers, and party princesses/superheroes all contributed to this amazing event, who, without their help, the event would not be such a success.
WHAT: The event hosted a myriad of different independent bakeries serving their unique superhero inspired pastries. There were a variety of activities that included: bouncy houses, face painting, stage performances, princess meet and greets, a cupcake eating contest and more.
WHEN: The Costume Party Fun Run 5k race took place on Saturday, October 12, but the main festival was on Sunday, October 13, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
WHERE: The festival took place at Mount Trashmore Park in Virginia Beach. The day before, the fun run 5k trail ran all the way around the mountain, with a turn-around by the side of the lake.
WHY: The VA Cupcake Festival is a fundraiser to support the efforts of CHKD; all proceeds go directly to the cause.
HOW: The event would not have been possible without people involved spreading the news to their friends, volunteers working to get the party going, and staff members ensuring that everything was going according to plan.
“I had so much fun volunteering with my friends at the festival! It was such a great opportunity to meet new people, give back to my community, and raise support for charity. I’m so grateful to my teacher who recommended the event to me,” junior Brooke Stafford said.