Brock Environmental Program takes internships to college level
The Environmental Studies Program is partnering with Old Dominion University (ODU) for six students to work with professors at the Brock Environmental Center and study under them to help with research and introduce new programming technology.
This new partnership focuses on letting senior students take their education further and expand past the high school level to get a taste of college level work and research in the field. It allows the kids in the program to get free training without having to pay thousands of dollars in tuition for college or online classes. In addition, the students will attend ODU two-three times a week, the rest of the week they will attend the Environmental Studies program to work on projects relating to their internship.
Students can pursue one of three paths at ODU. The study options are specific to Oysters, Computer studies, or Antarctic Krill. Once they pick a path they are matched with one of three scientists to learn the depth of the project and get started.
Senior Victor Pham chose to focus on Antarctic Krill where he works with the Oceanography department on analyzing and programming the krill swimming patterns to run through a simulation.
This particular path focuses on teaching students to look at data using computer programming and data analysis using models.
“With all this information we can see which areas of the krill populations are being affected from fishing spots around the continent and can determine if the krill fishing industry is sustainable. It’s amazing to be part of a study that could largely impact our ecosystems,” Pham said.