Step Team makes comeback, winter sports ready

The Falcon Step team has been working overtime to get themselves back in formation for the upcoming winter sports season. After persevering through the COVID pandemic, the team returns with some of its older members, but now has new members as well. The team is not only back, but they are willing and ready to show their particular brand of school spirit.
“Not having step for almost two years; after the time off, the team had a hard time remembering the routines. The old captains didn’t have any of the videos taken from the previous years, but we’ve used what we did remember and incorporated it in with new steps,” senior captain Brooklyn Williams said.
Step team creates a spirited environment, especially during their performances as they bring a whole new level of “pep”. Created in 2015, the team was somewhat unique to the school and it featured gifted athletes and dancers that no one at CHS had seen before at school. As time went on, they began to perform during half time, sit in the bleachers for group bleacher cheers, as they stomped and clapped to their own beat.
“The camaraderie between the Step team members members kept me sane during the pandemic; the team was also an outlet for me when I was struggling at home, emotionally,” Williams said.
Step Team has not only helped Williams learn how to work with a team, but also how to be an effective leader. To Williams, due to COVID, it seemed that she went directly from a sophomore to a senior, moving her into the captain’s seat upon returning to school this fall.
“Having to be stern and get your point across without seeming mean, teaching steps and dances can be challenging because everyone learns differently, but the team always pulls through,” Williams said. “I will make sure of it.”

Senior Journalism III student
I help make videos and do write ups for the videos. I've been in this class for three years. I'm a dancer for the school...