Senior varsity football players celebrate night, special teachers

It is tradition that the last home game of each sport’s season celebrates its seniors. The most recent celebration came last Friday night as this year’s senior football players were honored during a short ceremony before the final home game against Salem High School was played.
These seniors have had a rough go with sports during the pandemic; the season started in February instead of August, had a shortened schedule, and games were canceled regularly due to COVID outbreaks.
So, as an added bonus for senior players, they were allowed to choose a teacher who has somehow made a difference in their lives over the last few years and whom they wanted to thank for simply being “there” throughout the unprecedented times. Thus, a new tradition began. Players surprised teachers the day before the final home game with their numbered jersey and asked these teachers to represent them by wearing their jersey to school.
Football coach Tyler Noe asked each senior to choose a teacher who has made a difference in their lives during their high school career and surprise them with the player’s own numbered football jersey to wear at school and to the senior night game on Friday.