Boo Bash brings back tricks and treats

SCA, in conjunction with a variety of sports teams and clubs within the school, brought Boo Bash (Trunk-or-Treat) back after it was canceled, like all activities, due to COVID last year. The event itself is meant to provide a safe and fun way for children in the community to participate in Halloween activities and also a perfect opportunity for kids to celebrate Halloween if they are not able to trick-or-treat in their neighborhood.
Last week, Falcons set up booths throughout the expansive junior lot that represented some aspect of their sport or club, played games with the kids, dressed up in costumes, and handed out candy. Accompanied by their parents, kids walked through the lot, moving from trunk to trunk playing games, while learning the “art” of trick-or-treating.
“Boo Bash is a great way to involve younger students in the Cox community, it gives them a glimpse of what they have to look forward to as they grow older,” junior Erin Bailey said.

Senior Journalism III student
I started taking journalism sophomore year and this is now my third year in the class. I am a Managing Editor and I enjoy...

Senior Journalism III student
In school, I am the Student Council Secretary, Chair of the Community Relations Committee, and Publicity Officer for the...