Staff “DRIPPY FRIDAY” includes parents as well as students on Follow a Falcon Parent Day. This week’s “drippy” theme was more casual than most.
With the current pandemic still sweeping across the United States our CHS seniors will begin to say goodbye to some of their most memorable experiences as 12th graders, virtually. The most recent announcement from Virginia Beach City Public Schools (VBCPS) of a postponed graduation date led to the recent birth of this article; our mini-graduation send-off from the Falcon Press Online student newspaper adviser and staff.
While this may not be the most ideal situation, we must make the best of what we have left of the school year. So, seniors, now is the time when the last day of the school year feels so far away, but in reality, is so close
As we may not see each other again, with the exception of using a device, it is important to reflect on some of the most memorable experiences had during our time together as Falcons. And, while some of these memories could be shared with the entire graduating class, a single core class or an elective, an entire friend group, a teacher, a parent, or simply oneself, each of these memories has culminated into who we have become today.
For the Journalism II/III class that creates the Falcon Press Online student newspaper, it is easy to remember the big memories most of us share; the first Journalism class we attended, meeting our teacher and adviser Ms. Tonelson, or “T”, for the first time, the first story we had published with our name vividly displayed, all of those amazing speeches “T” has given, the creation of the recruitment video; which we tried to complete forever and then tried again. But, wasn’t the final product worth the wait?
We remember together our class parties, just being around some of our best friends for 90 minutes every other day, the “couch” and, of course, we can’t forget all of those ‘Drippy Friday’ photo-shoots.
So, seniors, the time has come to pass the torch and move on to the next phase of life. To that, we say congratulations. In a few weeks time, seniors will graduate from the halls of their safe haven and the Journalism classroom to new and perhaps better adventures. Let’s be honest, we all know that if we can make it through years of the Falcon Press and “T”, we are officially ready for the real world.
From the soon to be senior staffers to the current seniors, we would like to thank everyone for leaving us such an amazing legacy, as well as a six time national award winning and an eight time state winning student newspaper that we worked together to create. After all, we have to follow your lead and we do have some big shoes to fill. We are all proud and we will all remember, even though our year was cut short, the lessons left we were taught and our time together as members of the Falcon Press.
Best wishes and lots of luck to Falcon Press seniors about to leave the “Nest”: