‘Fun’draising for United Way, SCA presents ‘Paint Wars’
SCA students plan to host the first annual ‘Paint Wars’ fundraiser on Tuesday, Nov. 19, during One Lunch at the practice field in order to raise money for the United Way, a nonprofit group that raises money in order to give back to their community.
The ‘Paint Wars’ are a competition between Classes where students from each grade level is given a certain color of paint. Then, each participant gets a bag of paint to go to “war” with the other Classes. Players are encouraged to wear white to show off their level of participation in the game. If the fun and fundraising wasn’t incentive enough, the team that wins will be awarded with a celebratory pizza party.
“Paint Wars is a new idea that hasn’t come to the school before. It should be a fun and different way to raise money for United Way,” junior Eli France said. “I think a lot of students will apply and it’ll be really successful.”
There are only 25 spots per grade level class so get an application by Wednesday, Nov. 13. Each participant donates $7 to play and must give $3 extra if they would like to purchase more paint.
“I’ve never heard of any activity or fundraiser like this at Cox yet,” commented sophomore Lindsey Malosky. “I’ve done Color Runs before, so the concept is what really sold me on the idea of participating.”