Class of 2019 turns prom into Hollywood
As “Prom” nears, tuxedos, gowns, glitz and glitter fill seniors’ minds as they prepare for their big night; a last “hurrah” of sorts with their friends and classmates before they walk across the graduation stage.
Per tradition, the senior class is responsible for fundraising and planning all aspects related to the night, sparing no expense in its preparation. This year, Class of 2019 chose a Hollywood themed celebration to be held on Saturday, June 8, at the Oceanfront Virginia Beach Hilton from 7 PM -10 PM. Tickets are now on sale for $60 outside of 209.
Senior prom is a tradition in itself.
According to, “prom”, short for “promenade”, was originally a ball held in honor of young women being introduced to “polite society” and its eligible men”; some students even thought of the event as a “goodbye” from high school and “hello” to the real world.
But, as times change, so do students and what they believe the night offers.
“I hope to have a great time and make amazing memories,” Senior Jeremy Herslow said.