Guidance organizes annual Elective Fair
Guidance hosted their second annual Elective Fair in the gymnasium during One Lunch on Wednesday, November 28 and will host another fair next week on Wednesday, December 5. Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors may attend the fair to get an idea of what classes they want to take for the next academic year.
Guidance counselors, Ms. Lanz and Mrs. Six are coordinating the Elective Fair and have gathered over 25 teachers to set up tables to display their elective and core classes. Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow, AP English, and Chorus are just a few of the classes that will be at the event.
“Students who are already in the classes can promote them better than guidance counselors and can give prospective students a better idea of what the class is about,” Ms. Lanz said.
Almost 40 classes are being represented at the fair.
“We hope this event gets students to sign up for classes they are passionate about,” Ms. Lanz said.