Leadership workshop: Become the hero of your own myth
Leadership Workshop delegates returned to school from a long weekend with tired eyes and a plethora of new skills.

Each year the workshop staff develops a new theme for their big weekend which is kept under lock and key until the actual event. This year was no exception.
“Become the Hero of your Own Myth” was the theme chosen to teach the school’s delegates better leadership and communication skills. The weekend, complete with games and activities included icebreakers such as “Honey, I love you.” Workshop counselors used these activities as an opportunity to connect with their groups, as well as teach them necessary leadership skills .
“I had such a fun time. I feel like throughout the weekend I really picked up communication skills and techniques that will get me through any hardships I may face. I learned skills about making friends and how to get along with others,” sophomore delegate Carly Maurer said.
Not only did the delegates gain new skills, but so did the counselors. As previous delegates, staff members knew how to involve everyone equally and keep them active by participating in skits and games.
“By being efficient in communication and maintaining a small amount of authority, I feel like I learned a lot about my own leadership skills as well. Leadership workshop doesn’t just help the people who sign up, it teaches the staff too,” junior staffer Caroline Dugas said.
Leadership workshop is a huge undertaking. Both delegates and staff members put in a large amount of work. Senior John Collins has firsthand knowledge of the enormitous workload because he served for two years as a delegate and was a first time counselor this year.
“As a delegate, I achieved the skills necessary to become a counselor. As a counselor, I learned leadership skills of my own and even from my delegates each day,” Collins said.