#Lunchbag event increases main goal
SCA will again host the #lunchbag event this Friday, Nov. 9, in the cafeteria form 2:30-3:30 p.m., where students and staff will volunteer their time to create bagged lunches for those less fortunate before the holiday season begins, then donating all bags to the Union Mission.
After surpassing last year’s goal of creating 1,500 bagged lunches within 45 minutes, SCA students upped the ante, making this year’s goal to create 1,600 bagged lunches in 45 minutes. Lunches will again come complete with a turkey sandwich, chips, a clementine, a bottled water, and a hand written note of positive inspiration and motivation.
SCA President and senior Abbey Faro recently announced this year’s goal, asking for donations from every club and organization in the school. Donations can be food, water, positive notes written by students, or simply the 45 minutes in will to accomplish their goal.
“I’m excited for this event because each year we’ve been able to make more bagged lunches. It’s rewarding to see our hard work go towards people in need,” Faro said.
Senior Kenzie Wall has taken charge of the event this year and continuously works with SCA students and the sponsor in charge of this particular event, teacher Sabrina Shumate.
” The event, #lunchbag, is an amazing because it brings the whole school together in an effort to make a difference and help the less fortunate,” Wall said. “I am so excited to see so many people willing to volunteer their time, as well as everyone’s school spirit,”Wall said.