Humans of CHS: regrets

As a play on the popular blogspot ‘Humans of New York,’ the school’s newspaper decided to profile the humans of CHS.  Staff writers continuously roam the halls of the school to find different perspectives on life within the student body.

Will you be featured as the next ‘Human of CHS?’


Teacher: Kerstin Devlin     

ENGLISH TEACHER KERSTEN Devlin shares her biggest regret.Honors English 12 and Dual Enrollment


Q:What is your biggest regret?

A: I wish that I had taken more advantage of academic opportunities in undergraduate.

Q: If you could go back and change your regret would you? Why/Why not?

A: I would go back and engage in conversation, study, participate, and invest my time in a more academic way.







 Librarian: Lisa Williams     

 Q:What is your favorite thing to do? Why?

A:Going for a walk on the bay because I don’t have to focus on anything. My mind can wonder and I just enjoy the view. Very relaxing and no stress at all.

 Q:If you could change one thing about yourself  what would it be? Why?          

A: I would like to be able to not worry about everything. Worrying  is very stressful and it doesn’t help solve anything.