Young Republicans meet with local sheriff
The school’s chapter of the Young Republicans will hold their first meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 7, immediately after school in room 258.
Virginia Beach Sheriff Ken Stolle will run this month’s meeting, discussing such topics as a possible field trip to the Virginia Beach City Jail, as well as mental health issues regarding our state and prison system.
Newly appointed co-chairmen, seniors Ian Lichacz andĀ Warren Smith, will lead the initial meeting and introduce Sheriff Stolle.
“I am super excited for Sheriff Stolle to come and speak to us. But, I’m mostly excited to get other students involved in the political process,” Smith said.

Journalism IIIĀ student
Olivia's favorite quote is, "To be hardcore, you have to live hardcore."

Journalism III student
Kelsey plays soccer and loves the beach.

Journalism III student
Ian enjoys scuba diving and sailing when he's not on his horse.