Make-up snow days
Virginia Beach City Public Schools (VBCPS) will use Monday, January 29 (originally a Staff Day) and Monday, February 19 (Presidents’ Day) to make up two of the instrumental days lost to students and staff during Winter Storm Grayson.
Both of these days will be considered “C” days where high school students will attend all of their A and B day classes in one day instead of the usual A/B day block schedule.
In the case of additional snow days, Superintendent Dr. Aaron Spence is adamant that the Spring Break and Memorial Day holiday will not be altered.
Spence also decided that the first semester will be extended from Friday, Jan. 26 to Friday, Feb. 2, giving teachers and students more time to collect and finalize grades.

Journalism III student
Kelsey plays soccer and loves the beach.

Journalism III student
Olivia's favorite quote is, "To be hardcore, you have to live hardcore."