Past, present, future orchestra
The annual Orchestra Spring Concert on was held on Thursday, May 25, in the school’s auditorium, featuring a general theme of “Past, Present, and Future”.
In keeping with the “Past, Present, and Future” theme, Orchestra alumni Will Hutchins and Ariana Kavazovic returned to play with the current orchestra, while 8th grade students from Great Neck Middle School also joined in during the last number.
Graduating seniors Paige White, Max Kennedy, Alex VanVoorhis, Sara Weber, Liz Ka, Victoria Burch, Heather Gonzales, Nick McKee, and Moses Hinton were then honored with yellow roses and each senior received a standing ovation as they announced their prospective colleges.
Senior, Journalism III
Editor-In-Chief, Opinion Editor
Hope likes to read and write in her spare time.
Junior, Journalism II
Sports Editor
Dominick plays football.