Margaret Beckner: Coastal Virginia Magazine’s top teacher

French teacher Margaret Beckner was recently selected as Coastal Virginia Magazine’s Top Teacher.

Beckner originally worked for an investment banking firm, but soon found that her passion lies in the classroom. Since her realization, Beckner has taught Advanced Placement (AP) French, as well as French I, II, III, IV, V, over her 36 year career.

According to, Beckner won the award for her enthusiasm in the classroom and dedication to helping her students succeed excel and was nominated by former student, Kieran Poulos, whose AP French background enabled her to become a successful immigration lawyer.

Beckner’s love for teaching has clearly left a lasting impression on her students, as Poulos graduated more than 20 years ago.

Her love for her students is still evident when one visits her classroom, a pleasant environment, which students find safe and welcoming. And, Beckner’s love for learning enables her to keep going, to teach her students to see life beyond the cell phone, and continue to make a difference in not only her students’ lives, but her fellow teachers’ lives as well.

Not only was this award well deserved; it was awarded to a true “top teacher.”