Accident wreaks havoc on school dismissal

THE SENIOR LOT was a madhouse as buses, students, staff, and parents all tried to leave from the same exit on Thursday afternoon.
Dismissal from school was interrupted on Thursday by a multi-vehicle accident on Great Neck Road in front of the school. No students were involved.
According to, a dump truck lost control after a tire blew out, proceeding to strike four poles and three other vehicles in its path. It was over three hours later that the dump truck was towed away from the scene. Two people were hospitalized and another refused treatment.
Shorehaven Dr. was closed by police and buses were delayed as a result of the incident. Parents had to pick up students in the back of the school, and junior drivers subsequently left campus through the senior lot.
The increased congestion inspired a number of students, including senior Julia Newsom, to ditch their trapped cars and walk home.
“After the National Honor Society meeting the parking lot and roads behind the senior lot were so backed up that I waited in my car for 15 minutes before deciding to make the ten minute walk home with a friend,” Newsom said.

Senior, Journalism III
Brantley leads a youth group and likes to surf.