Learning becomes interactive: civil war soldiers visit

Learning becomes active for Advanced Placement (AP) and VA US History classes at the school.
Each year, as students are in the midst of the Civil War unit, Civil War reenactors visit the school for two days to demonstrate what life was like as a Confederate soldier during this perilous time in our country’s history. Soldiers “set up camp” adjacent to the senior parking lot where students are able to listen to stories, view artifacts, and witness the actual firing of weapons for demonstration purposes.
According to AP US History teacher Maria Faircloth, the students are able to experience with the five senses what life as a soldier was about in a more personal way.
Much like a Confederate soldier’s life, the weather outside was frightful as students such as junior Rachel Shulmister, listen intently to Confederate soldiers.
“It’s cool to learn about the authentic Civil War soldier’s life up close and personal,” Shulmister said.

English 12/ Journalism I, II, III teacher
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