Winter fashion

Sheep all over Australia are breathing a sigh of relief because the UGG craze is finally over, as one can see any morning on the sidewalk runway outside of school. As temperature drops, a dizzying array of tailored boots and oversized sweaters start to appear.

According to Advanced Fashion student, Alexis Renshaw, are sporting the most popular winter look of 2013-

-Tailored boots

-Blue Jeans

-Oversized sweaters



Sporting his plaid button down and dress shoes, Advanced Fashion student Ben Hutchinson says that junior; Nick Webb slightly steps outside the norm for boys at the school. Although khaki pants are becoming more and more popular in the teens, many boys like to play it safe with the blue jean.

The most popular look for boys of this winter-

-Khaki pants or blue jeans


-Flannels or Hoodies
