Bowling club

BOWLING CLUB TEAM Wolfpack members Darian Taylor (12), Ross Clapham (12), Kemo Zatuut (12), Wyatt Waterfield (12), and Lauren Shepherd (10) hold tight to their 2nd place ranking in the Pinboys High School Bowling Tournament.

Success through commitment.
In its first year as a recognized entity at Cox High School, members of the school’s Bowling Club are already reaching the top of their game.
Complete with 20 active members and four teams thus far, the club meets every Tuesday at Pinboys Bowling Alley on Laskin Rd. from 3-5 p.m. to bowl against other Beach high school club teams. Teams are allotted 15 minutes to warm-up and then compete against other teams in their bracket, decided upon by Pinboys rankings. Each team play three games for $7 weekly, and includes free shoes.
The Pinboys bowling tournament was already in place and other schools were already competing on a weekly basis. So, when interested students approached German teacher Larry Becker at the beginning of the school year about sponsoring the club, he was all for it.
After approval was granted, interest quadrupled. In the club’s first two months of competition, two of the teams moved quickly up the ranks. Team Wolfpack jumped from 18th place to 2nd in the tournament and Team Talon clawed its way from 12th place to 6thplace. The school’s other two teams, the Raptors and the Strikers, are also climbing the ladder.
Through commitment, these students are learning that success can be found not only through sports/activities, but in the classroom as well. And, that the determination to achieve can carry over in to any venue, especially when they are with their best friends.
“I’m able to bowl with my best friends, win games, and have fun,” Wolfpack member senior Ross Clapham said. “It brings different kids together who might not be involved in other activities and shows them that everyone has the chance to commit to success.”
Along with Becker, the club is co-sponsored by Spanish teachers Stephanie Harris and Pat Ormsby.
“It’s another outlet for our students. They [students] are able to develop camaraderie with their peers from other schools in a non-threatening arena. And, it’s fun,” Becker said.
As an added incentive, Pinboys offers active members of any high school bowling club the opportunity to bowl free of charge Monday-Friday from 3-5, as well as a pair of free shoes.
Tournament play will commence Tuesday, Dec. 17 and begin again Tuesday, Jan. 7.

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