Fall fashion phenomenon
Keep up-to-date with the latest fashion trends.
October 4, 2014

Summer has come to an end as fall weather slowly arrives. And, while transitioning into the new season, it is important to update one’s wardrobe with the latest fall trends. Seen in the halls already, fall Falcon fashion reveals retro pieces from the 60’s including: plaid, leopard, and pastels.
According to stylesthatworkforteens.com, the looser the clothes the better. Oversized pieces with tons of layering will certainly make a fashion statement. Also, combinations of lace and leather will be a trendsetter. Stylesthatworkforteens.com also states that the latest fall colors include dark greens and teals, which are versatile colors that are easy to mix and match.
For ladies, much of summer’s wardrobe can be worn again in the fall, especially school appropriate tank tops. But, if the straps are too thin, wearing a cardigan or kimono is a must.
Another “must” for teenage girls is a sweater dress paired with an oversized scarf to accessorize, along with high boots, and jewelry. Remember, “The bolder, the better.”
Even though the weather is finally cooling down, it’s still possible to ‘rock’ summer dresses. Layer them with a jacket or blazer, as temperature changes in the school are unpredictable.
If one wants to stay fashionable and still have cozy feet, wear knee or thigh high boots in darker tones, Oxford’s, or flats for a simpler look, try Chuck Taylor’s.
While fashion is important to most girls, let’s not forget about the guys. It’s time for guys to say farewell to their tanks and flip flops and trade them in for a wardrobe better suited for cooler weather.
Unlike the ladies, it is recommended that guys shy away from pastel and neon-colored clothing, settling for more neutral, earthy tones to match the reds, oranges, and browns of the fall leaves.
According to Gq.com, it’s a definite ‘no-no’ for guys to go overboard by wearing chains and flashy accessories. Remember less is more. Collared and screen printed shirts with fitted jeans and a pair of sneakers is guaranteed to give a laid-back look.
Although there are endless shoe possibilities for guys this fall, Reefs and Vans are always stylish. Comfort should come before style. Therefore, choose shoes wisely. Pick a pair that accessorizes shirts, hoodies, and/or jackets.
Like it or not guys and girls, fall is here. So, hit up the nearest surf shops and malls for fall styles and top looks to show Falcon style. Don’t be afraid to turn heads by adding any signature piece to your favorite looks.