SENIOR TYLER HALEY practices a reversal technique on his opponent called “the switch”. Haley is grateful for everything he has learned not only in this sport, but over the last four years in high school.
Humans of Cox: December 2022 Edition
“My name is Tyler Haley and I am a senior at Cox this year. Most of my family attended Cox during their high school career and I am glad I’ve also had the privilege to attend this school for all four years. For any students wondering how to make high school fun or exciting, my answer would be to get involved. During my first two years here, I did nothing but go to class and go to practice. Although I was having a good time, I felt like I was just seeing the same people and doing the same things every day. I am now involved with SCA, which is a group of students who plan events like prom, Homecoming, Boo Bash, and #lunchbag, just to name a few. I’m also lucky to be a part of the Leadership Workshop staff. Leadership Workshop is a city-wide event and involves a group of students from all the schools in Virginia Beach. We meet twice a week and plan a weekend for lower-classmen in the spring. This event gives them an opportunity to learn leadership skills and meet new people. Lastly, I’m a part of the varsity wrestling team. I’ve been wrestling for close to six years and the sport has been a huge part of my high school career. I’m a 3x state qualifier, 2x regional runner-up, and a 2022 state champion. I have made so many new friends and connections; I’ve gained opportunities I didn’t think I would ever have. These extracurricular activities also pushed me out of my shell and have helped me grow in many ways.” – senior Tyler Haley