SENIOR KELLYLYNN BRINKAC leaps into her future as a college student. Brinkac has used her years in high school to prepare and continue her journey in life, while she does what she is most passionate about.
Humans Of CHS: March 2022 Edition
“My name is Kellylyn Brinkac, and I am a senior at Cox this year. When I think about what topics interest me the most, I picture two things—space and dance. I recognize that these fields are virtually unrelated, but my passions for space and dance make up a huge part of my interests and identity.
First, when I was seven years old, I saw the Discovery Space Shuttle launch in Cape Canaveral and was immediately infatuated by all things space and rocket science. To this day, I enjoy studying astronomy as well as keeping up to date with NASA missions and advancements in aerospace engineering by the agency and private companies. This past summer, I participated in the Virginia Aerospace Science and Technology Scholars summer academy where I worked with peers across Virginia to plan a hypothetical manned mission to Mars. These experiences have further reinforced my goal to pursue aerospace engineering in college.
As an artistic outlet, dance has proven to be another great passion in my life. I began dancing at the age of three in a variety of styles, including ballet, jazz, tap, and hip hop. I competed in dance competitions for many years, but when I reached high school, I discovered my true passion for sheer performance while on Cox’s Varsity Dance Team. As a four year member of the team, I’ve enjoyed performing at football and basketball games each year and exhibiting my school spirit. I also served as a two year captain of the team, during which time I grew as a leader and expanded my creativity through choreographing our team’s routines. My time with dance is not finished yet as I plan to participate in a dance team at the collegiate level.
My goal is to attend either the University of Virginia or Georgia Institute of Technology in the fall. Overall, I cannot wait to begin my next chapter in college so I can hone in on the most interesting and important topics to me”.