Humans of CHS: November 2019 Edition

As a tribute to the social media blog "Humans of NY", the Falcon Press staff decided to create a spin-off entitled, "Humans of Cox". Staff members will roam the hall each month and find a human with an inspirational bit of advice, unusual story to tell, or who simply wants to chat about life.

“The longest I’ve ever lived in one city consecutively is five years. I, like many other students at cox, am a military connected student. I was born in Corpus Christi, Texas. When I was three, moved to Youngstown, Ohio. When I was six, my family moved to Virginia Beach, but when I was nine we moved back to Texas. When I was twelve, we moved back to Virginia Beach, and this is where I have been ever since. This past summer, my family moved to a different house, and I will be leaving for college in the fall. My life so far has been defined by a lack of consistency in location but it helped me identify consistencies in myself. While seven schools in thirteen years may sound difficult, it has allowed me to gain an appreciation for these few consistencies. I don’t think I would be able to express myself in the ways that I do had I spent my entire life in Virginia Beach. Moving around so often allowed me to realize the importance of being myself, and for that reason I am ready to keep moving.”

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