SOPHOMORE HALEY WILSON describes the journey each week brings.
Humans of CHS: Haley Wilson
“Monday is a raging storm, crashing into everyone abruptly as they stumble like zombies onto the front lines, gearing up until they can’t move. Tuesday is crawling across a battlefield, dragging itself onto enemy lines. Wednesdays are reaching the top of a hill and realizing there’s more to the trek to get the conquered Emerald City, but the trek is downhill. Thursday is holding its breath, turning purple until the clock strikes midnight and it can finally inhale oxygen and breathe on Friday, which is walking into the city, triumphant. Saturday is resting after days of battle, relaxing, ridding itself of wounds and bruises and horrible memories of happenstance. Then, Sunday comes and it’s on edge, waiting for something indescribably, for Sunday turns into Monday, and we are sent into another war.”