Letters to the Editor: drunkorexia

December 14, 2016

Dear Editor,

Although “Drunkorexia” may seem to be a legitimate reason as to why people are getting drunk faster, it shouldn’t be pinpointed as the only reason why this is happening to people. So many other things play into it. These are choices that able bodied people make. The decision to go out on an empty stomach and drink alcohol is a decision that anyone could make. This is not always the greatest decision, but not eating is not the only reason why people are getting extremely drunk faster.

~junior Lily Foster


Dear Editor,

The editorial, “Drunkorexia” addresses a valid issue that I believe more people should bring attention to. The point of Drunkorexia leading to sexual assault proves how dangerous this act is. This society is so focused on portraying beauty though being thin, that it influences acts such as the one addressed in the article. Binge drinking is extremely dangerous and I believe that is should end.

~junior Danielle Jawwaad


Dear Editor,

I feel as though this article is very informative and beneficial to read. As a female senior in high school moving closer and closer to graduation, it’s important to know these risks and situations that can occur to women in college. It definitely opens my eyes to see how far people would actually go in order to get that relaxed feeling. I completely agree that drinking on an empty stomach can be extremely dangerous and it is a topic that should be discussed more often among young adults.

~senior Sarejah Cooper-A.

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