FRESHMAN LEO HICKEY chats with staff writer Anna Michaud about being Instagram famous.
Welcome humans
The first featured student for “Humans of CHS” is freshman Leo Hickey.
Q: So you actually became “Insta-famous” for a day when you reached out on the Falcon Press Instagram. Tell us what your IG name means, @leo.hxckey. What’s your message and how would handle everyday Insta-fame?
A: “I wanted to make some new friends, really. But I’d probably use my Insta-famousness for good. I would try and maybe spread good messages to people. I wanted to make more friends at school because it’s my first year here.
My last name’s Hickey. I moved to Virginia Beach when I was in fourth grade, and during my fourth and fifth grade year, I was bullied pretty badly because of it. It really hurt my self-confidence. But, then in middle school, it started to become better and I just cared about it less. Now in high school, it really doesn’t matter to me and nobody really bullies me because of it. If anyone’s talking about it, I just make it a joke. Just don’t let anybody bring you down. It won’t affect you badly. And the people that do it are immature.
Just do you.”